Fat Freezing

Our CoolSlimming™ Fat Freezing sessions reduce your squeezable areas of fat using freezing cryolipolysis technology.

It’s an amazing permanent body sculpting procedure that’s only safe, it’s non-invasive, with no needles, no surgery and no downtime.


What is Cryolipolysis and how does it work?

Subcutaneous fat sits under the skin, as opposed to visceral fat which surrounds the organs.

Everyone has some subcutaneous fat, and that’s the fat CoolSlimming™ is designed to freeze and destroy. CoolSlimming™ Fat Freezing uses advanced cooling technology to selectively target and destroy fat cells, without harming the surrounding tissues and nerves.

During a CoolSlimming™ Fat Freezing treatment, a gel pad and applicator is applied to the treatment area. Controlled cooling is safely delivered to the targeted fat.

The fat cells are frozen at a temp between 0℃ to -11℃ depending on the amount of fat.

When the fat cells are frozen to the point of damage they die and never come back.

Once the treated fat cells are crystalised, over the next 3-12 weeks, they are naturally processed and eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system giving you permanant results.