FAQS - Fat Feezing

Is fat freezing safe?

Yes. Bruising, swelling, and tenderness can occur in the treated area and it may appear red for a few hours after the applicator is removed.

You may feel a dulling sensation in the area that can last for several weeks after your procedure. Other changes including deep itching, tingling, numbness, tenderness to the tough, pain in the treated area, strong cramping, muscle spasms, aching and/or soreness also have been reported after a Coolslimming treatment.

Is fat freezing permanent?

Yes! The fat cells are frozen at a temp between 0℃ to -11℃ depending on the amount of fat. When the fat cells are frozen to the point of damage they die and never come back.

Once the treated fat cells are crystalised, over the next 3-12 weeks they are naturally processed and eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system.

If a healthy lifestyle is not maintained following treatments remaining fat cells may increase in size, generally, people find that the areas treated maintain shape better if weight is put on, this can vary for different individuals.

How many fat freezing sessions will I need?

This varies from person to person, as everyone has different goals in mind, from smoothing out a few bumps to greatly reducing an area.

As everyone’s bodies are different sizes and shapes the best way to gauge this is book in for a free consultation so we can have a chat about your goals.

How long do the fat freezing appointments take?

Treatment time takes 45 minutes for large areas and 20 minutes for one chin area, in that 45 minute period I can treat three large areas and one small (on one side, ie front and chin, OR back). So plan on an appointment taking around an hour.

Is fat freezing painful?

The suction pressure may cause sensations of deep pulling, tugging, and pinching. You may experience intense stinging, tingling, aching, or cramping as the treatment begins. These sensations generally subside as the area becomes numb.

Can I gift some fat freezing sessions to a friend or loved one?

Absolutely! If they’ve had a consultation and know that the treatment is right for them, gift vouchers can also be used towards other Outback Sculpt treatments. Get gift vouchers here.

How much do consultations cost?

Consultations are free, however, there is a fee for no-shows or cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to the booking.

How do I make a booking?

Head to this link and pick out a time that suits you.